PNT Data Center

Eco Data Center
with Rated 3 certification

Data Center tested by world-class specialists

FAT and SAT tests performed

We ran FAT (Factory Acceptance Test) tests with the major suppliers of our power and cooling systems. We then repeated them during several hundred hours of SAT (Site Acceptance Test) testing already on site, in the target capacity of our Data Center. 

ANSI/TIA 942 certification - RATED 3

Originally developed by TIA (Telecommunications Industry Association) and later adopted and expanded by ANSI (American National Standards Institute). It applies to telecommunications systems, as well as infrastructure components related to ensuring system redundancy and reliability. Our server room has a Rated 3 level - this means a standard in which almost all systems are duplicated and single points of failure are excluded. 



  • The room of the Data Processing Center, where the space for the Cabinets is located, has a technical floor with a height of 90 cm
  • Technical floor in the Data Processing Center room where the Cabinets are located, with a load capacity of 1500 kg / m2 or higher
  • 96 cabinets in the main compartment + 4 in the backup compartment
  • Collocated cabinets in kiosks max 20 cabinets /kiosk
  • Cabinet dimensions 600 x 1200 or 800×1200
  • It is physically possible to separate cabinets when collocating in min. 4 rack cabinets, pricing after consultation with the customer

Power supply

  • Two independent power lines, each with a capacity of 630 kW
  • UPS system in 2N redundancy with backup for 10 min. target power of 400 kW
  • Power supply to cabinets with 2N reliability using a generator (powered by liquid fuel) with infrastructure for uninterruptible power switching
  • Standard power allocation per cabinet - 3.3 kW, target after consultation with the customer

Extinguishing system

  • The colocation area of the Data Processing Center is a separate, independent fire zone with a minimum wall fire resistance of 120 min.
  • Rooms equipped with smoke and temperature detectors and VESDA system
  • Rooms equipped with an automated multi-zone extinguishing system based on a mixture of natural gases - Inergen
  • Rooms equipped with an early smoke detection system

All data center fire protection systems connected to the central building management system.

Climatic conditions

Data center is equipped with precision air conditioning along with control and regulation of temperature and humidity of the environment in the system

  • The aforementioned air-conditioning system operating in redundancy, in an N+1 arrangement
  • Maintaining environmental parameters - temperature of 21 - 24 ° Celsius
  • Maintaining environmental parameters - humidity 20 - 60%
  • Control and recording of environmental parameters at a frequency of not less than 10 minutes.

Water detection system on the colocation area of the Data Processing Center


Anti-DDoS [Distributed Denial of Service] protection guards against volumetric attacks and ensures uninterrupted access by clients and internal users to shared resources such as websites, applications, databases and network devices.  As part of the Internet access service at Data Center Opole, network traffic is analyzed, the level of bandwidth usage is monitored, and detection of network anomalies is conducted.


The Data Processing Center of the Science and Technology Park in Opole has obtained certification in the Rated 3 standard according to the ANSI/TIA 942 standard. This means that the Data Center can undergo all kinds of repairs, maintenance without having to shut down the infrastructure, which supports 24×7 operational operation. ANSI/TIA-942 defines 4 levels for Data Center facilities - Rate, where 1 means the lowest level of security and 4 means the highest. It is worth mentioning here that we were the first in Poland to obtain Rated 3 certification.


At the PNT Data Center, we have used highly energy-efficient air conditioning systems. We use an adiabatic air-to-air heat exchanger to cool our server room. Thanks to the use of low outdoor temperatures, our annual average PUE is only 1.49 and PPUEq is only 1.02.


Co-located equipment requires skilled care in addition to proper environmental conditions. As part of the Remote Hands add-on service, you receive the support of highly qualified engineers who are present at the Data Center facility. This allows you to respond quickly in case diagnostic, repair or maintenance work is needed. Our engineers will also help with the physical installation or relocation of your equipment.


Data center outsourcing is a growing trend: many companies have already recognized the benefits of such a solution. Co-location of servers or racks, or even renting dedicated space or infrastructure, allows you to reduce the cost of your own investment, but also to tailor it exactly to your needs, choosing virtual servers or dedicated servers aimed exclusively at a single customer, and to minimize risks on many levels. The infrastructure of the facility can be easily and accurately adapted to the requirements and needs of customers, while reducing the costs arising from the maintenance of IT Infrastructure.